by Stanislaus Medan


Female Artists with the same age as Frida Kahlo

In this chart, you can compare the life spans and work of female artists, born in 1907, same as Frida Kahlo. There is to see and to compare the enormous span of formal languages, of topics, of disciplines, these artists tackled. Keeping in mind, that Frida Kahlo is regarded as worlds most famous female artist by far, questions about the construction of significance can arise. That is a question well to be discussed in classrooms.

Female Artists born a hundred years ago

In this chart, you can compare the life spans and work of female artists, born in 1923.

Women Artist Research Pool

Here, I show charts of women artists through the continents

Female Artists, who became 100 and older

In this chart, I listed female artists, who lived very long lifes, and show there early and their late work.

Comparative Map

This map shall give an overview for the realization of overlapping events and dates since the beginning of the new age